Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Favorite Movies: Aliens

Aliens is one of my favorite films of all time because it represents the big-budget action movie done right. The original Alien was an entirely different type of film. That movie succeeded because it was claustrophobic and well-paced. Aliens, directed by notorious big-budget director James Cameron, shifted the focus to center around action, but it didn't lose it's soul in the process.

Even though the genre is characterized by big explosions and hectic gunfights, successful action movies always have characters that we care about. We need to want the main characters to succeed (or survive) in order to be properly invested. Aliens is a classic example of a movie that gets that right. Not only do we have the already established character of Ripley, the heroine of the series, but we add a whole slew of new characters in the Marines who accompany her. Not all of these Marine characters are very well-developed or even good, but they are all entertaining. And then the real heart of the film, Newt, the young girl who Ripley discovers that has had her family killed by the aliens. Ripley's mission to keep Newt alive and the bond that forms between them is what makes the story of the movie work.

But then of course, the action and special effects are really, really good. The aliens in this movie have something unique about them compared to creatures in movies these days: they look real. These days, filmmakers use CGI as a crutch, and what results is something that looks like a video game, not an organic, natural creature that belongs in the world. These aliens are just terrifying and REAL looking. James Cameron's later film, Avatar (and don't get me started on what I think about that movie), looks ridiculous and cartoony in comparison.

If you haven't seen Aliens and you are a fan of action/horror, you really owe it to yourself to check this one out. It has aged really well, and stands up to any movie of the genre that is released these days.

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