Saturday, July 16, 2011

Quick Review: The Tree of Life

Before I start with my thoughts on The Tree of Life, let me set a scene for you: The final screen fades to black. Almost as soon as the words "written and directed by Terrence Malick" appear on the screen, two things happen. An exhausted man behind me in the theater exclaims- "thank God," while about five or six others break out into applause. Immediately following that, audible groans. That perfectly sums up the film- polarizing.

This movie is definitely not for everyone. Anyone who is prone to falling asleep during long movies or needs something exciting happening on screen the majority of the time need not apply. This is a slow, slow movie. This is not necessarily a bad thing of course. It's deliberate and meaningful in it's pacing. The result is a mesmerizing experience, for people willing to indulge it.

Having said that, this is, in my opinion, the most technically stunning movie ever made. Avatar got high praise for being visually amazing, and I agree that James Cameron's magical, made-up world looked pretty great. However, what The Tree of Life does is far more impressive- it magnifies and demonstrates the wonders of OUR world. Sometimes we don't understand how amazing the world around us is every day. This film makes you think about and more fully appreciate these things.

There is an overarching narrative, but the meaning is open for interpretation. It definitely contains very spiritual imagery and themes, but I believe no matter what faith you are a part of, you will find something to grasp on to here. And that's the power of a good piece of art. It can be all things to all people at the same time. It is what you think it is.

If you are willing to give a chance to a movie that is very challenging and unconventional, then I definitely recommend this film. However, if you're just looking for a good time at the theater, your money is best spent elsewhere. Unfortunately, it's already too late for the man who sat behind me at Glenwood Arts Theater on Friday night.

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